Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Change in Marji Persepolis - 1311 Words
Topic: Character Analysis of Marji in Persepolis Audience: Teacher Purpose: To Persuade You Are Who You Are Dean Acheson once gave the timeless advice of â€Å"always remember that the future comes one day at a time†. This quote highlights how truly important each and every day is and the significance of the time you use or waste. The way that you choose to use that time, the decisions you make, and the things that surround you change who you are and greatly affect your future. These are all aspects that were clearly shown throughout the graphic novel Persepolis. It is because of these aspects of life that Marji developed the characteristics that she did. As an Iranian citizen Marji was consumed by war for a long time. This is what†¦show more content†¦For example, one day Marji’s parents told her about her Uncle Anoosh that she had never met. The two immediately had a very close bond that stayed strong even through their final few moments together. He taught her about the war, and through his stories and actions he taught her to believe in hersel f, and her ideas no matter what any one else thought. Anoosh believed in the revolution wholeheartedly and even though it may not have turned out great for him, his dedication, perseverance, and stubbornness are all traits that Marji later portrayed throughout the book. Another person who greatly impacted Marji’s life was her grandmother. She had a great influence on Marji who looked up to her, and knew that her grandmother was always there to look out for her. Marji’s grandmother had a strong moral sense that showed in every situation. She frequently acts as Marji’s conscience throughout the story; for example, in the film when Marji was about to get caught by the Guardians of the Revolution, she did whatever was necessary in order to avoid persecution. But her grandmother was quick to tell her that what she had done as wrong, and had to be set straight. Her grandmother keeps her grounded, and helps her remember who she is and where she comes from when she lose s sight of it. She taught her about humility, integrity, and that in â€Å"Life, everyoneShow MoreRelatedThe Aftermath Of War And Violence923 Words  | 4 PagesThe young generation are growing up being taught that the best way to solve something is to go to war and kill people. War and violence are making society fall to little pieces. In Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, the main character Marji lives in Tehran, which is in the middle of a war that goes on throughout Marji s childhood there. Many of the friends that she had and family members either served in the war or were prisoners of war, like her uncle that gets arrested and then killed. The WomanRead MorePersepolis : A Child s Perspective1222 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"Iran was the epitome of evil†This was the world’s view of Iran during its revolution. 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Persepolis1442 Words  | 6 Pagesgrew up under oppression during the Islamic Revolution in Iran. * Give and explain evidence of how the author presents that different social groups were marginalized/silenced. * Show how Marji and her parents shared the same beliefs when making reference to the regime.  The graphic novel Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, explores her childhood years in the middle of the Islamic Revolution. Situated in the commotion of the overthrowing of the Shahs regime, and the war with Iraq, the reader
Monday, December 16, 2019
The And The Holocaust A Breach Of Faith - 2649 Words
Teaching the Holocaust The reign of the Holocaust took place between the years of 1933 to 1945, where Jews were persecuted, starved, and murdered by the Nazis. It was December 17, 1942, when the United States joined the Allies to condemn Nazi Germany’s â€Å"bestial policy of cold-blooded extermination of the Jews†(FDR and the Holocaust, FDR Presidential Library and Museum). The thirty-second president of the United States of America, Franklin D. Roosevelt believed that rather than saving more Jews from the Holocaust, America should focus on controlling the number of immigrants coming to America. From the book, FDR and The Holocaust: A Breach of Faith, stated from Roosevelt, â€Å"This prejudice helped shape his overall vision of what America should look likeâ€â€and it was a vision with room for only a small number of Jews who, he said, should be ‘spread out thin†(qtd. Weinstein). Meanwhile, Roosevelt planned to kill off Hitler and stop unarmed Jews from being punished with the help of Treasury Secretary of State, Henry Morgenthau Jr. He then obstructed rescue efforts in the process of saving Jews. If only Roosevelt had reacted earlier about Hitler’s â€Å"Final Solution,†he could of saved more (FDR and the Holocaust, FDR Presidential Library and Museum). Knowing about what happened during the Holocaust is very difficult and depressing. Why and how can educators teach about the Holocaust? There are many survivor stories that help us to understand the Holocaustâ€â€The Sunflower, Man’sShow MoreRelatedThe British s Involvement During The 1947-1948 War Of Independence Essay1471 Words  | 6 Pagesability to develop a Jewish national home in their ancestral country and it edict a halt to Jewish immigration to Palestine as soon as the Jew population formed a third of the total states population. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Relationship Managers in Bahrain Banking Industry - Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Relationship Managers in Bahrain Banking Industry. Answer: Introduction The banking industry in Bahrain becomes very lucrative for business and creates plenty of opportunities for getting job placements. Subsequently, the Ahil United Bank formerly known as Al-Ahli Commercial Bank has successfully established a strong market capitalisation in the emerging financial industry in Bahrain. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to find out the key facets of business dynamics in that banking organisation and point out the advantages and disadvantages for getting a job as relationship manager. According to the manager, Sayed Mohammed Al. Alawi who works as a relationship manager in Ahil United Bank has pointed out some key characteristics regarding the nature of the job of relationship manager and the skill that are required to fit the job. However, there are a number of challenges that being a relationship manager he is facing. Moreover, he puts some lights on the remuneration and the process of achieving a managerial post. Opportunity and competency A relationship manager is a person who sets contacts with customers and business clients. Therefore, the relationship management has to perform in two different fields- one deals with the customers and is known as Customer relationship management (CRM) and the other one is related to business relationship management (BRM). Keeping in mind of the role of relationship managers it can be stated that relationship management depends on a group of factors, such as Excellent communication skill- An outstanding command over communication is a basic requirement for a relationship manager. Communication can be done through non-voice or invoice processing. Simultaneously, the relationship manager has to be a good listener. One of the primary tasks of the relationship manager is to expand the business capitalization for the company and for this the manager has to maintain daily connections with the existing and loyal clients. Confidence and Presentation- Confidence is considered to be a prime factor for any job. It will help to analyze any task properly and enhance the chance to take prompt actions in time. Besides this, proper knowledge in MS Word and Power point presentations are also required to deliver a report in meeting. Understanding the financial products and markets- The manager, Mr. Sayed Mohammed Al. Alawi of Ahil United Bank of Bahrain has a clear idea of the products and market situation. Moreover, it is also necessary to skill in mathematics and accountancy is also needed to get a clear idea about the financial products and finance associated market. Personality and experience- Personality and experience are the key skills that an employee or owner should possess. In this regards, as a relationship manager personality is considered to be so essential because the managers communicate with internal hierarchy and externally the customers and clients. Responsibilities- Proper strategy and analytical abilities reflect the efficiency of a relationship manager. It is associated with a tracking the data related to the company and the manager is responsible to take adequate steps to meet the target. In this regards, relationship managers have to be concerned about the continuous flow of raw materials and supply of services. Mr. Alawi was very clear about the activities of a relationship manager and expressed his perception about the advantages and disadvantages of the job in present case scenario. During the interview Mr. Alawi suggested that proper education in banking and finance with a thorough experience of 3 to 5 years in the banking industry will be beneficial to get the job. Therefore, he ventilated his concern about the downfall in the current market situation and competitive pressure can increase more pressure on the relationship manager. Nonetheless, utilizing communication skills and a command over the concept of marketing and finance can be leverage for making progress. Bachelors degree in banking and finance or accounting will not be seemed adequate and hence professional courses like CFA or 3 to 5 years experience in banking sector is required. In fact, drastic expansion of the Bahrain bank industry heightened the workloads of the relationship managers. Therefore, most of the companies are looking for a unique marketing strategy to yield more profits. Opportunities in Banking Industry in Bahrain Politics- Politically Bahrain is meddling with mass movements like the Arab spring in 2011 (Matta, Appleton Bleaney, 2017). However, the movement did not erupt in Bahrain nevertheless had an international influence which affected Bahrain domestically. Economics- The social environment and the technological advancement facilitate the opportunity for banking industries in Bahrain (Al-Shammari Kanina, 2015). Therefore, it is evident to have a strong market competition in Bahrain for the banking sector. Indeed, the annual turnover was estimated US$192 billion in the year 2016 (Matta, Appleton Bleaney, 2017). Society- The financial sector in Bahrain represents 65% of the workforce (Matta, Appleton Bleaney, 2017). In fact, the employment in Bahrain banking increased 1.1% in 2015 in compare to the year 2014 (Almossawi, 2015). Furthermore, number of job opportunity had increased at a rate of 5.1% in 2015 which is good news for job seekers (Ntti et al., 2014). Technology- The technological advancement in finance industry of Bahrain is quiet effective. For convincing clients and customers outdoor services with special financial privileges are being provided (Sibilkov McConnell, 2014). Besides this, the industry is also performing through different banking applications and softwares for the benefit of their customers. Therefore, the banking and finance sector comprises 85% of the total financial assets in Bahrain (, 2018). Competencies in Ahil United Bank The Ahil United Bank is one of the leading banks in Bahrain which was established in 2000 when two major banks of Bahrain named The United Bank of Kuwait (UBK) and Al-Ahli Commercial Bank B.S.C. (ACB) had been merged and became known as Ahil United Bank (AUB) (Mousa, 2015). The AUB has also its office in UK. The present Chairman of the company is Hamad Mishari Al-Humaidhi. The key aims and objectives of AUB are emphasised on the maximization of the shareholder values and maintain solid capital adequacy and liquidity ratio. Due to enormous banking activity AUB has been awarded with Bank of the year in Middle East in 2016 (, 2018). The banking market in Bahrain is very dynamic and full of opportunities. In fact, AUB has increased their assets since they merged with the United Bank of Kuwait. Therefore, to get a job in a promising bank will be beneficial to get a job as relationship manager in the bank.The influx of client in AUB is also helpful for the relationship manager to fulfil the target requirements given by the company. As a reason of that, it will be better to get opportunity in AUB. Most of the banks in Bahrain are now put focus on the global market to get more market capitalisation. Hence, it requires relationship managers who have the quality and skill to manage customers and clients. There is also some possible vacancy for the post of relationship manager that will be a good opportunity for job seekers. Preferred job qualification The job criterion encompasses a qualification in finance and banking with an experience of 3 to 5 years. In this regards, I have done my bachelor degree in finance and banking though have no past experience in this field. However, I have pursued a certificate course on relationship management which can be useful for the job. The economic crisis and political instability are perturbing the business situation of the company. Therefore, the presence of volatile market can create issues for the relationship management of the company. AUB is going to expand its business capitalisation, so that, it is obvious that the target and objectives will be shifted from the past. As a result of that, the work pressure of the relationship managers will also become intensify. After getting job in relationship management there is a prolonged process to become a relationship manager. Various ranks and subordination will complicate the understanding of the hierarchy. I am eagerly looking for an opportunity to get involved in the AUB relationship management. The factors behind this are firstly I have done my bachelor degree in banking and finance and also have a course on relationship management. Furthermore, the banking industry in Bahrain is very lucrative and provides more opportunity for me. Hence, I am really interested in getting a job in the banking industry and AUB will be the best option for it. Conclusion It can be concluded that the report has been succeeded to highlight the steady growth of the Bahrain banking and finance industry by putting focus on the Ahil United Bank and its banking attributes. Moreover, a close interaction with the present relationship manager of the given organisation added more importance to the discussion and identified future opportunities to become a relationship manager. References Our History and Our Future. Ahli United Bank. (2018) Retrieved 8 April 2018, from Almossawi, M. M. (2015). The impact of word of mouth (WOM) on the bank selection decision of the youth: A case of Bahrain.International Journal of Business and Management,10(4), 123. Al-Shammari, M., Kanina, A. S. (2015). Service Quality and its Relationship with Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in a Saudi Arabian Automobile Company.Global Journal of Management And Business Research. Khodakarami, F., Chan, Y. E. (2014). Exploring the role of customer relationship management (CRM) systems in customer knowledge creation.Information Management,51(1), 27-42. Matta, S., Appleton, S., Bleaney, M. F. (2017).The economic impact of political instability and mass civil protest(No. 17/03). CREDIT Research Paper. Mousa, G. A. (2015). Financial Ratios versus Data Envelopment Analysis: The Efficiency Assessment of Banking Sector in Bahrain Bourse.International Journal of Business and Statistical Analysis,2(2), 75-84. Ntti, S., Pekkarinen, S., Hartikka, A., Holappa, T. (2014). The intermediator role in value co-creation within a triadic business service relationship.Industrial Marketing Management,43(6), 977-984. Osman, J. (2016). An empirical study on the satisfaction level of customers regarding Bank Alfalahs digital products service. Policy, C. G. (2016). Ahli United Bank Limited (AUBL).Policy. Sibilkov, V., McConnell, J. J. (2014). Prior client performance and the choice of investment bank advisors in corporate acquisitions.The Review of Financial Studies,27(8), 2474-2503.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Last Night Of Ballyhoo Production Critique Essay Example For Students
The Last Night Of Ballyhoo Production Critique Essay This paper is a critique of a production of The Last Night of Ballyhoo, a play written by Alfred Uhry, which was performed and produced by the Ball State University Theatre. Gilbert L. Bloom directed the production and was very successful with producing a truly entertaining, comedic play with an important message about the personal dilemmas that we as individuals with different beliefs and values must encounter in our daily lives. All elements of the production were wonderfully implemented making The Last Night of Ballyhoo quite a success. The performers were perfect for the roles in which they were cast. For example, Lalas (Erin Rae Lengkeek) character is supposed to be a romantic dreamer and very childlike. The actress who portrayed Lala did an excellent job even her voice and attitude were quite appropriate for the role. Likewise, the actress who played Sunny (Jennie L. Keller) also did a fabulous job of portraying her character. Sunnys character had a more mature attitude and therefore presented herself in a more adult manner then her cousin Lala. Her physical features also differed from Lalas; Sunny was tall, broad and had an assertive voice. Lala on the other hand was shorter, looked to have had a bit of baby fat left on her frame and had a childish voice. The other characters also were well cast for their roles, for example Peachy (Matthew Hickman) was described to the audience as having bright red hair and was portrayed though his telephone conversation with Lala as having a joking, wisecracking attitude. And sure enough when Peachy made his first appearance all these characteristics could be seen. Lala, Sunny and Peachy are just a few of the characters that were cast in the play. Be assured, however, that all the others were also suitably cast for their roles in the production. Thus, making the character selection only one of the key elements in the productions success. We will write a custom essay on The Last Night Of Ballyhoo Production Critique specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now When it came to the dialogue of the production and the understanding of it the performers again did an excellent job. Their gestures and vocal elements all aided in the productions success and were all fittingly used by the characters. For example, when Lala was talking on the phone with Peachy she casually twirled the phone cord in her hand, leaned against the banister and childishly flirted with Peachy. When it came to sound quality all characters projected their voices well and enunciated clearly. The southern accents used by the characters played an important role in the over all success of the production. Not only did it help to aid in giving the viewer an idea of the setting of the play, but also aided in the over feel and mood of the production. The technical aspects of the production such as scenery, properties and costumes also played a keynote in the productions success. The scenery was fabulous it truly made the play. It was very realistic and extremely vibrant. Almost the entire play was performed in one setting, except for the railcar and dance scenes. The house, the main setting, was magnificent with painstakingly placed detail in every corner. All elements in the house matched wonderfully, for example the furniture, the photos on the wall, the telephone and even the trash can. Little bits of detail were everywhere adding to the beautification of the set, for example the lace decorations on the chairs, the etched glass above the front door and even the Christmas tree. The properties also were wonderfully used, for example Lalas photograph of Scarlet OHara, which she proudly displayed upon her arrival home from the movies. Many other properties were used though out the play such as the luggage in the boxcar, the candles on the dinner table and the umbrella given back to Reba (Lynn Downey) from their previous cook. There were a lot of properties used in the production, all which aided in the success of the production. The costumes were also quite be autiful and wonderfully tailored to each character. The many different dresses belonging to Lala were the most striking of all the costumes; especially her green ball gown that resembled the one Scarlet OHara wore in Gone with the Wind. .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49 , .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49 .postImageUrl , .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49 , .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49:hover , .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49:visited , .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49:active { border:0!important; } .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49:active , .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49 .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u24d1e758d2ec4acba90b8a2e0ac05d49:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dear Bethany... EssayLalas dresses were a lot more colorful and extravagant them those of Sunny. Sunny on the other hand wore dresses that were more toned down and mature in appearance. This difference in costume selection for both the character of Lala and Sunny is quite appropriate for each of them and thus fits their personalities. The same is also seen in the selection of costumes for Peachy and Joe (Brad Coolidge). Peachy like his girlfriend Lala is more apt to wear clothing that is glamorous and attention getting, such as his tuxedo with tails he wore to the dance. Joe on the other hand is more of a casual, plain guy, like his girlfriend Sunny, who wore a suit to the dance. Each performer in the play wore clothing that was appropriate to his or her character. All costumes seemed to be worn in comfort and ease, even though Lala did portray her Scarlet OHara dress as being difficult to wear due to its large hoop shirt. When it came to the sound, music and lighting again all of the elements fit together beautifully. The sounds were right on the mark, such as the train whistle during the boxcar scenes. The music was also right on key and appropriately used for the scenes, for example the playing of the Christmas chorals and who can forget the playing of the theme from Gone with the Wind when Lala walks down the staircase wearing her Scarlet OHara look alike dress. The music during this scene of the play was very humorous and added to the comical aspects of the production. The volume was just enough during the play and not once were the characters voices muffled. The lighting was also well used though out the play and came and went at just the right time tho ugh out the performance. Again the lighting also added to the humorous aspects of the play, for example when Lala was walking down the stairs, wearing her green Scarlet OHara dress and the theme from Gone with the Wind was playing the lighting on the set made it look as if she was in a dream like state. The lighting was also very effectively used to show the coming and going of cars on the set. The reflection of lights on the front door of the house were used resemble those of an automobile. Even the final scene had just enough absence of light that the shadows of the characters could be seen sitting around the dinner table and praying by candlelight. At the very end of the performance the candles were extinguished consuming the set in blackness in turn signifying the end of the production. My mother went and viewed the performance of The Last Night of Ballyhoo the night before I did. She acquainted me with the meaning of Ballyhoo and the plot of the play. She stated that the play w as well done and I would enjoy it. I dont believe I have seen I better play this year. It was wonderfully put together and very funny and Im not just saying that because the director is my theatre instructor. I wish I hadnt seen the play on the last night of the performance, because I would have loved to see it again.
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