Saturday, May 23, 2020
Personal Statement On Personal Growth Essay - 1664 Words
Introduction I believe that the majority of personal growth comes from surrounding oneself with people who are different, so for my interview, I consulted my Hispanic male friend, Alberto. My reason for doing so was I expected his identity to contrast with my own of many different levels. I had high anticipation to the responses I would receive from him due to his different identity. In retrospect, I was surprised by my findings and how they related to my teachings and my personal perception. Race When I sat down with Alberto, I questioned him on the awareness of the role his race played in his life. His response was similar to my personal experiences in which he felt as though he didn t encounter much racism on a social level. He elaborated by saying that he experienced notable racism only in the workforce. Alberto says that he never had much trouble locating a job because whenever people say his race that would offer him work based on the grounds that he was a hard worker. When Alberto spoke of this I could hear the irritation in his voice. People would often hire me because they said my race meant I was a hard worker, but truthfully I work as much as anyone else (personal communication, July 21, 2016). When Alberto said this I immediately thought of the definition of a micro-aggressor. Alberto gave another example of a common microaggressor he encountered. Alberto goes to an HBCU and people often ask him where are you from?†, to which Alberto would reply with theShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement On Professional Growth And Learning908 Words  | 4 PagesIndicator 1: Professional Growth and Learning My area of refinement was pacing. I addressed this area of concern by continuously practicing purposeful pacing in my instruction and knowing my next moves. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Styles
One way to be truly successful in the classroom is to wrap your head around the three different learning styles according to Flemings VAK (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) model. If you know how you learn best, you can use specific methods to retain what you learn in class. Different learning styles require varied methods to keep you motivated and successful in the classroom. Here is a bit more about each of the three learning styles. Visual Fleming states that visual learners have a preference for seeing the material in order to learn it. Strengths of the visual learner: Instinctively follows directionsCan easily visualize objectsHas a great sense of balance and alignmentIs an excellent organizerBest ways to learn: Studying notes on overhead slides, whiteboards, Smartboards, PowerPoint presentations, etc.Reading diagrams and handoutsFollowing a distributed study guideReading from a textbookStudying alone Auditory With this learning style, students have to hear information to truly absorb it. Strengths of the auditory learner:Understanding subtle changes in tone in a persons voiceWriting responses to lecturesOral examsStory-tellingSolving difficult problemsWorking in groupsBest ways to learn:Participating vocally in classMaking recordings of class notes and listening to themReading assignments out loudStudying with a partner or group Kinesthetic Kinesthetic learners tend to want to move while learning. Strengths of the kinesthetic learner:Great hand-eye coordinationQuick receptionExcellent experimentersGood at sports, art, and dramaHigh levels of energyBest ways to learn:Conducting experiments Acting out a playStudying while standing or movingDoodling during lecturesStudying while performing an athletic activity like bouncing a ball or shooting hoops Generally, students tend to favor one learning style more than another, but most people are a mix of two or maybe even three different styles. So, teachers, make sure youre creating a classroom that can engage any type of learner. And students, use your strengths so you can be the most successful student you can be.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Huck Finn and John Smith- Conning Free Essays
As a person it is necessary to grow; whether it be good or bad, growing is essential. Within the novel of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, the main character Huck goes through a tremendous amount of growing. As people we need to grow and as a body of people or a country it is crucial to continue to grow. We will write a custom essay sample on Huck Finn and John Smith- Conning or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, the situations of helping us grow aren’t always done in positive manners. Throughout the novel Huck is forced to decide his own true morals and not those that are imposed on him. As a country first being established (as colonies) we had to find a way to grow and use tactics to do so. In these instances conning took place. The beginning of the great country began with Captain John Smith who was, â€Å"A soldier of fortune with rare powers of leadership and self- promotion†(Tindall/Shi 29). John Smith is the very reason Jamestown survived through the harsh seasons and periods of starvation. He was able to negotiate with the Natives at the time to help them survive. The Natives had no real idea that the Englishmen wanted more than just a trade and military alliance. The real plan of the English was to seize the land and subjugate the Natives. John Smith even tries to persuade English people who are in England to come to the New World so that he can get rich in â€Å"Description of New England†. He writes letters to them using 3rd person describing himself and how great everything was going to con them into voyaging over the New World. Huck Finn, a young boy who is trying to run away from being â€Å"sivilized†. Through his journey he ends up growing in a huge way. He is constantly facing moral issues and having to make decisions that can result in life or death. One of the biggest obstacles Huck faces is when he meets the duke and the dauphin, whom are complete liars from the beginning by stating they were a duke and a dauphin. His first encounter with them they clearly seem to be facing backlash from the scam the older one(dauphin) was trying to pull off running a revival and taking money from it, â€Å"a little report got around, last night†, â€Å"If they got me they’d tar and feather me and ride me on the rail for sure†(Norton 183). Huck knows that they are pulling his leg but still decide to stick with them considering his circumstances†these liars warn’t no kings nor dukes, at all, but just low-down humbugs and frauds†(Norton 185). These men team up together and drag Huck and Jim through countless scams. Finally, Huck deems that what the men are doing is wrong. This happens towards the end of the journey when they attempt to scam innocent girls out of an inheritance. This is time that Huck truly sees that what they are doing is wrong and begins to stand against it by sabotaging them and attempting to turn them in. At this point in the novel, Huck has a huge turning point into growing into a person of morals. Risking everything he had because he believed that it was right. No matter what angle a person comes from, there is always a source of growing. So be it that it happens to come from conning. With John Smith conning hundreds of people to come to an unknown country so that he could get rich and be someone of importance and Huck enduring conning and realizing that it is wrong and finally turning over a leaf and deciding things on his own apart from what others say. How to cite Huck Finn and John Smith- Conning, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Se Habla Espanol vs. a Giant Step free essay sample
A Giant Step The characters from the stories Se Habla Espanol and A Giant Step face struggles with racial issues and personal difficulties. They find a true aspect of significance in each of their stories. Barrientos realizes that her heritage is an important factor to who she is. The boy realizes his shoes got him many places through the years, and they signify loyalty to his handicapped situation. Both characters focus on their appreciation and the meaning of their experiences. In both stories, a meaningful past is something that they have in common. These characters’ struggles help them succeed in becoming stronger individuals. In Se Habla Espanol, the past is misunderstood because Barrientos came from a Spanish background but was raised to speak nothing but English. Her narrative states, â€Å"College-educated and seamlessly bilingual when they settled in west Texas, my parents (a psychology professor and an artist) wholeheartedly embraced the notion of the American melting pot. They declared that their two children would speak nothing but ingles (Barrientos 560). †In A Giant Step, the past is feared because the boy went through many surgeries in hopes of being able to walk normally again. Gates memoir states, â€Å"I limped through the next decade- through Yale and Cambridge†¦ as far away as Piedmont as I could get. But I couldn’t escape the pain, which increased as the joint calcified and began to fuse over the next 15 years (Gates 834). †Overcoming the racial issues of the past is what helped Barrientos write her story. For Tanya Barrientos, life was complicated. She moved to the United States in 1963 at the age of three with her family who immediately stopped speaking Spanish. Her family embraced American society. As she states, â€Å"People who were considered Mexican- Americans or Afro-Americans were considered dangerous radicals, while law- abiding citizens were expected to drop their cultural baggage at the border and leave any lingering traits (Barrientos 561). †Society viewed Spanish people as a poor individuals, table waiters, or housekeepers. Barrientos said, â€Å"It meant being left off the cheerleading squad and receiving a condescending smile from the guidance counselor when she said she planned on becoming a doctor or a lawyer (Barrientos561)†. She thought by staying away from Spanish people, the stereotypes would stay away from her. Over time, society completely changed and no longer looked at one type of ethnicity. At this point, Tanya began to wonder where she fit. When asked a question in Spanish, she could only answer in English. Tanya wanted to take pride in her Latina heritage but she could not because she felt it was a lie. She set out to learn the language everyone assumed she already knew. She basically had to start all over but finally realized that her heritage is an important part of her life, and there are probably many others going through the same thing she went through. In the end she says, â€Å"She wished everyone had the courage to come out of their hiding places and take pride in where they came from no matter the situation (Barrientos 563). †Also, overcoming personal difficulties of the past is what helped the boy write his story. In the story A Giant Step, the boy faced a majorwas a colored, 14-year-old freshman who started playing football, learning tennis, and began dating. A major tragedy affected the boy’s life in many ways. The ball-and-socket-joint of his hip sheared apart due to a recent injury. The surgeon tells him it was a torn ligament and put him in a walking cast. As the surgeon stood the boy on his feet and insisted that he should try to walk, the joint ripped apart again, and the boy fell on the floor. The doctor told his mother he had overstrained his natural capacity. In one year he had three surgeries. After the last operation and over the next fifteen years, his leg grew shorter, his muscles weakened, and the ball-and-socket joint migrated into his pelvis. He says, â€Å"Most frustrating was passing store windows full of fine shoes. I used to dream of walking into one of those stores and buying a pair of shoes (Gates 834). †After the boy finally accepted the situation, the doctors decided it was time for one last surgery at his age of 40. A day later, the nurses stand him up and help him into a walker and his wife burst into tears because his feet were touching the ground. The surgeon says, â€Å"Get a pair of Dock Sides; they have a secure grip. You’ll need a ? -inch life in the heel, which can be as discreet as you want (Gates 835). †As he walks, he takes a look at the â€Å"bricks†and realizes they have walked long miles together. The boy states firmly, â€Å"I feel disloyal, as if I am abandoning an old friend (Gates 836). †Both stories have major differences such as society’s issues concerning race, the meaning, and the difficult situations. One thing they both share is major significance. For Se Habla Espanol, the significance is teaching others to not follow the line of others and be an individual. For example, Tanya being determined to learn Spanish despite the fact she had to basically start all over. For A Giant Step, the significance is teaching others to never give up and make the best out of bad situations. Also, an example would be his hope that one day an operation would work despite the fact he was 40 when it actually did. Trials are always occurring whether the situation has to do with ethnicity or hardships. Hope and determination are two key factors in both stories that keep the characters going. Over all, as readers we can conclude that past events take toll on people’s lives every day whether it is positive or negative feedback. Gradually, we learn to appreciate the many challenges and influences we face because it teaches us useful lessons. In life, accepting things that are not always easy lead us to finding the answer.
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